Information Extraction & Quantative Analysis

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to extract relevant information from a wide range of sources, such as articles, book chapters, social media posts, and video content. Whether the information is uploaded into an AI tool or the tool is used as a browser extension, AI can summarize information, produce outlines, and identify key entities/events and relationships within that content. Information extraction could also be focused on specific named entities in text, tagging parts of speech, analyzing feedback, or screening resumes. Using AI to assist with information extraction can help significantly reduce time for these tasks, allowing people to use their energy on the analysis and application. In analyzing the output, users can critically think about the entire resource and the accuracy of the AI response.

Categorized Uses for AI-Assisted Information Extraction

Resource summary: GPT, SummarizeBot, SMMRY, Lumen5

Produce outline: Outwrite, Gingko, Roam Research, Raindrop.io

Text review: SpaCy

  • Identify key entities, events
  • Tag parts of speech

Screening resumes: Skillate, Resumator.ai, jobmatch.ai, ranksheet resume grader, CVScan

Analyzing feedback: rapidminder, gaagai explore, repustate, odintext

Limitations and Concerns of AI Information Extraction Tools
  1. Even with an appropriate prompt from you, sometimes the AI is unable to complete the task. It may take a few tries of editing your prompt to have a response that is useful for you. These AI tools are still in development and may not be able to do the task you are asking them to complete.
  2. AI information extraction tools can have difficulty accurately identifying and extracting information from complex or ambiguous texts. While these tools can be trained to improve their quality of responses, certain extractions may be less accurate than others.
  3. AI tools may struggle with nuances of a language. If the resource includes sarcasm or cultural references, it may lead to inaccurate information extraction.
  4. AI uses the information you specified. If that information is limited, biased, or unrepresentative, the results from the extraction will reflect those challenges.
  5. While some tools support multiple languages, they do not offer the same options and quality of extraction. Others need resources translated before information extraction is completed, adding another layer of possible errors to the process.
  6. Privacy and security are two other concerns. If the resources/input have sensitive or have identifiable information, what precautions are necessary to ensure data protection and/or user privacy is maintained?
AI Assisted Information Extraction Tools and Students

AI assisted information extractors can support undergraduate student learning, making it easier to access, analyze and utilize information effectively. Below are just a few examples of how students can use these tools.

  1. Note-taking
  2. Summarization
  3. Textbook analysis
  4. Research assistant
  5. News analysis
  6. Personal information management
  7. Literature analysis
  8. Resume building
Instructor Uses of AI-Assisted Information Extractor

Educators can use AI-assisted information extractors to not only enhance their classrooms but also as a mechanism to support their research and their careers. Below are some examples of how information extractors can be used to enhance teaching practices and streamline tasks.

  1. Assist with grading & providing feedback to students
  2. Identify patterns, trends, and areas where students need additional help
  3. Enhancing accessibility for students
  4. Support plagiarism detection
  5. Research productivity
    • Literature review assistance
    • Finding gaps in the literature/research topic generator
    • Recommend publication venues
    • Track citations
  6. Connect with others (similar research, teaching or other interests)
  7. Finding grant and funding opportunities