2024 Italy Relational Learning in Education

Study Relational Learning in Education 

Open to all majors

Location: Florence, Reggio Emilia, and Rome, Italy

Date: Tentative dates for 2-3 week study abroad between May 15 and June 8, 2024

Course Information

  • Course: ESPY 69095
  • No. of Credits: 3 credits
  • Instructor: Dr. Anne Morrison (amorriso@kent.edu | 330-672-0580)

Program overview

  • Immerse yourself in this international experience during 2 weeks of study abroad 
  • Face to face classes are held in the elegant Palazzo Vettori on the KSU Florence campus and throughout Italy 
  • Collaborate with teachers and students from Ambrit Rome International School (pre k through 8 English as a first language school), a Public Elementary School in Florence (where pre-k through 6 students learn English as a foreign Language) and Liceo Machievelli High School
  • Examine the social construction of knowledge that takes places in educational relationships 
  • Engage in learning/mentoring experiences as you apply theories of learning to practice 
  • Work one-on-one with peers and/or other students in the process of learning
  • Examine relational learning practices including the Reggio Emilia approach, mentoring, Vygotsky's socio-cultural learning, and documentation of learning experience

To Apply

Deadline: Date to be announced

Fee: $60.00 non-refundable fee to fill out the application

For more information, please contact Rose Onders at ronders@kent.edu (330-672-0564) or Visit the Center for International & Intercultural Education at 215 White Hall.