Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty
Appointment, Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion
The terms and conditions of every appointment, including credit for the previous academic appointment and specification of the year in which tenure procedures will take place, shall be stated in writing, which shall be in the possession of both 91Ï㽶ÊÓƵ University and the faculty member before the appointment is finalized. Academic unit specific criteria for appointment are contained in the academic unit’s section of the University Handbook.
Unit Handbooks
University Policy Regarding Appointment Authority
All tenure-track faculty members hold probationary appointments for one year subject to annual renewal. The general policies and procedures governing reappointment of tenure-track faculty are described in University Policy and the Collective Bargaining Agreement. More specific criteria for reappointment and tenure are contained in the appropriate academic unit section and, where applicable, appropriate regional campus section of the University Handbook.
Unit Handbooks
TT Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article XI: Promotion, Tenure and Reappointment, Section 3
University Policy and Procedures Regarding Faculty Reappointment
After successful completion of the specified probationary period and the tenure evaluation, a faculty member is granted indefinite tenure. The general policies and procedures governing tenure are described in University Policy and the Collective Bargaining Agreement. More specific criteria for tenure are contained in the appropriate academic unit section and, where applicable, appropriate regional campus section of the University Handbook.
Unit Handbooks
TT Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article XI: Promotion, Tenure and Reappointment, Section 2
University Policy Regarding Faculty Tenure
Promotion is viewed as recognition of a faculty member’s sustained and distinguished scholarship, teaching and service. The general policies and procedures governing promotion for tenure-track faculty are described in University Policy and the Collective Bargaining Agreement. More specific criteria for promotion are contained in the appropriate academic unit section and, where applicable, appropriate regional campus section of the University Handbook.
Unit Handbooks
TT Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article XI: Promotion, Tenure and Reappointment, Section 1
University Policy Governing Faculty Promotion
Tolling Policy
From time to time, personal and/or family circumstances arise such that an untenured faculty member may need to request that his/her probationary period be extended. Granting such an extension of the probationary period has been traditionally called “tolling†or “stopping the tenure clock.†The policies and procedures governing tolling are described in University Policy.
Unit Handbooks
University Policy and Procedure Governing Modification of the Faculty Probationary Period
Negative Decisions on Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion
Any faculty member whose reappointment or tenure has been disapproved at any level has the right to appeal the decision to the next higher academic administrative officer in the process. University Policy and the Collective Bargaining Agreement provide for specific appeals processes and deadlines for notifying probationary faculty of non-reappointment or non-tenure.
Any faculty member whose reappointment or tenure has been disapproved at any level has the right to appeal the decision to the next higher academic administrative officer in the process. University Policy and the Collective Bargaining Agreement provide for specific appeals processes and deadlines for notifying probationary faculty of non-reappointment or non-tenure.
Unit Handbooks
TT Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article VII and Article XVIII
University Policy and procedures Regarding Faculty Reappointment, Section K & I
Employment Policies, Misc.
All full-time faculty are expected to work full-time for the University. The teaching load for tenured and tenure-track faculty is the equivalent of twenty-four credit hours of teaching and shall include formal class teaching, appropriate credit for advising of individual investigations, seminars, research, theses, and dissertations. Workload expectations and specification of workload equivalents of classroom instructional assignments are incorporated into each academic unit’s or campus’ section of the Faculty Handbook.
TT Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article IX: Faculty Workload
University Policy Regarding Faculty Teaching Load
TT Summer Assignments, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article IX, Section 4: Summer and Intersession Workload
Unit Handbooks
Leaves of Absence
HR Policy
Faculty Professional Improvement Leaves (Sabbaticals)
Research Leave
The special research leave will be granted when the faculty member has been approved for leave based on an offer of a research fellowship/appointment (for which no University financial support is requested) at another university or other recognized research/scholarly organization.
TT Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article XIX: Faculty Professional Development, Section 2
Administrative Policy Regarding Research Leave
Family and Medical Leave Act
The Family and Medical Leave Act provides up to twelve weeks of job protected leave to eligible employees under certain circumstances related to health and child care issues.
TT Collective Bargaining Agreement, Memorandum of Understanding, p. 131, item #4
Administrative Policy Regarding Leave under the FMLA
Leaves without Salary
Leaves of absence on a one-year (or less) basis without pay may be arranged for such reasons as research or other advanced study, visiting appointment at another institution, travel, medical issues, child care, and rest.
Administrative Policy Regarding Faculty Leaves without Pay
Administrative Policy Regarding Leaves of Absence for Temporary Disability
The University provides benefits related to medical issues (health insurance, prescription drugs, dental and vision coverage, sick leave, and life insurance) and other issues (non-academic leave, travel reimbursement, retirement, and fee remission). Tuition benefits in the form of fee waivers are granted to full-time University employees, their spouses, domestic partners and/or dependent children as well as to selected part-time employees. All recipients must meet the eligibility requirements.
TT Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article XIII and Article XIV
Administrative Policy and Procedures Regarding Tuition Benefits
The Collective Bargaining Agreement stipulates terms for regular academic year salaries, salary adjustments, Faculty Excellence Awards, promotion increments, salary minima, and compensation for summer employment.
TT Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article XII and Article IX
Faculty Work Life
Family Life, Health and Wellness
Child Development Center
Quality of Faculty Work/Life Committee
Health and Wellness
Recreation Facilities
In addition to the Kent campus recreation facilities, faculty on the regional campuses should check with their campus for available facilities.
IMPACT: Employee Assistance
Wellness Programs
Kent Campus
Ashtabula Campus
East Liverpool Campus
Geauga Campus
Salem Campus
Stark Campus
Trumbull Campus
Tuscarawas Campus
Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article XIII: Medical Benefits, Section 4: Wellness Benefit, p. 65In addition to the Kent campus recreation facilities, faculty on regional campuses should check with their campus for available facilities.
DeWeese Health Center
Faculty/Staff Wellness Program
OneWellU Programs
Psychological Services -
Health and Psychological Services Kent Campus
Both the Faculty member and the University contribute to the Faculty member’s account in the STRS of Ohio or to an Alternative Retirement Plan according to current percentages. University Policy also provides information on the process, conditions, and guidelines for early retirement.
TT Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article XVIII: Notification of Non-reappointment and Resignation, Section 2
University Policy and Procedure Regarding Retirement and Early Retirement
Financial Planning
Emeritus/Emerita Status
Outside Employment & Consulting
Outside activities of a professional nature are encouraged if the activities are consistent with the individual's responsibilities to the University. However, no individual may accept any employment or pursue other activity, whether professional or nonprofessional, which compromises his or her responsibilities to the University.
University Policy Regarding Outside Enterprises including Employment of Faculty and Academic Administrators
Grievance Procedures
A grievance is a claim based on an event or condition that affects the terms and conditions of employment as governed by the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The timelines and processes governing the adjustment of grievances are provided for in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
TT Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article VII: Grievance and Appeals Procedure
Sanctions for Cause including Suspension and Termination
A sanction is a documented corrective action in response to a faculty member’s unsatisfactory performance of his/her duties and responsibilities as a member of the faculty. The process governing sanctions for cause as well as the due process rights for faculty facing sanctions are provided for in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
TT Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article VIII: Sanctions for Cause
A faculty member who is resigning or retiring from the University must notify in writing the Provost at least sixty days before the end of the regular academic year.
TT Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article XVIII: Notification of Non-reappointment and Resignation, Section 2